Thursday, August 19, 2010

9 Tips for Success in Life as Dada Vaswani Advises Us

Photo: Dada gave his DRISHTI and blessed all on his 92nd birthday.
Credit: Sadhu Vaswani Mission News & Updates

"Can you give us a software for success?"
From “Dada Answers - Questions you have always wished to ask" by J.P. Vaswani
(Gita Publishing House, Pune, India), page 302

Dada’s simple answers on his nine steps for success:
  1. Do only that which you feel is right and true. Nothing in life brings about failure more surely than lack of integrity.
  2. Do your best each day. Let this be the motto of your life: “only the best is good enough for me”. When you give to the world the best you have, the best will come back to you.
  3. Fully trust in the divine wisdom that designs and orders the scheme of things.
  4. Plan for today. Budget your time. The truly successful man fits 26 hours into a day of 24, cutting down waste. Take care of every moment of your life.
  5. Begin the day right! Wake up each morning, full of hope and expectation.
  6. Never give up. Persistence is the law of success!
  7. Tact is better than talent.
  8. Stay young all your life. Age is a state of mind.
  9. Reach out to others. You succeed in the measure in which you help others to succeed.
Because my family knows how much I admire Dada Vaswani for his spiritual thinking and being they sent me his book “Dada Answers - Questions you have always wished to ask" (Gita Publishing House, Pune, India). The impact that this humble man, with the tale of love and compassion for all living things, has on people, is impossible to measure. He is highly regarded amongst his peers and has spoken at the UNO on universal peace and has been the recipient of several honors, including the prestigious U Thant Peace Award.

When I read the book I was amazed how the author addresses answers for complex life issues in such simple manner and language. Simple concepts, but often difficult to tackle on your own, it is almost as if one would benefit from a To-Do-List, and Dada Vaswani shares with us his 9 steps for success in life. Over the next few weeks we will explore each of these points in more depth.

Next week we will discuss the first point: do only which you feel is right and true.

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